Coaches Corner

NOW is the time to invest in your future!

Coaching packages are designed to build a strong foundation, enhance skills, and master the job market. Each meeting includes a mix of guidance, practical exercises, and personalized strategies to maximize the client’s potential. The pricing reflects the comprehensive nature of the services provided in each package.

Package 1: Foundation Builder

– Meeting Schedule:

  • Week 1: Initial consultation (90 minutes)
  • Week 2: Resume and cover letter crafting (2 hours)
  • Week 3: Job market overview and strategy (1 hour)

   Package 1 Price: $300

Package 2: Skill Enhancement

– Meeting Schedule:

  • Week 4: Skills assessment and gap analysis (1.5 hours)
  • Week 5: Personalized skill development plan (1 hour)
  • Week 6: Mock interviews and feedback (2 hours)

   Package 2 Price: $400

Package 3: Job Market Mastery

– Meeting Schedule:

  • Week 7: Networking strategies and LinkedIn optimization (1.5 hours)
  • Week 8: Job search optimization and application tactics (1.5 hours)
  • Week 9: Negotiation skills and offer evaluation (1.5 hours)

   Package 3 Price: $500

The Complete Series: All Three Packages                                                      

  • Group Package Discount ($200)
  • 90 days e-mail support
  • Multiple appointments can be scheduled each week depending on need. Price: $1,000

Alternate Services:

6-month Retainer – Branding, confidence building, focused preparation                                   

Price: $2,250

Flat Hourly rate: Non-Package Support, Limited Needs                                                               
